Warranty Registration

We are commited to providing high quality products and service.

All our heat source appliaces include up to *5 years rolling renewal warranty cover.

Warranty registration is required as a declaration that the applice is installed and commissioned correctly. Without registration warranty is limmited to 12 months from date of purchase.

A heating appliance is a complex piece of equipment. Just like a new car it requires servicing to maintain safe and efficient reliable erformance.  

*Warranty is given for 12 months, with extension for a further 12 months after each service up to the total warranty period.

Evience of servicing is required in the evnt of a claim. Where service has not been carried out within the 12 month timeframe (+ a 3eriod of 30 days grace) Warranty is void.

A detailed warranty statement can be downloaded from the Information library.